OvoControl® P Case Studies
Pigeon Management Group
The Pigeon Project is a collaboration of all businesses across the Kwinana Industrial Estate in Western Australia. Physical exclusion across the estate is not possible and various mitigation tactics employed over previous years have been unsuccessful at reducing the pigeon population.
The OvoControl®P project area is spread across a 7.25km x 2.9 km area and requires 7 feeders to be strategically placed so each flock can consume the OvoControl®P daily.
EVICOM provides a fully managed pigeon control service for Kwinana Industrial Estate, managing the feeders, cameras, daily provision of OvoControl®P by automated feeders and reviewing daily AI imagery through the EVICOM Customer Image Portal.
This service provides pigeon control reduction and benefits to the 43 companies within the KIC estate across the 21 square kilometres.
CBH has several grain facilities across Australia and is constantly looking for humane solutions to manage pigeon populations.
Being grain facilities, physical exclusion is not possible due to the extremely large size of grain facilities, the nature of the silo structures and large storage facilities. This ultimately provides a great feeding ground that is safe from predators for pigeons. These types of risk-free environments provide opportunities for flocks to establish roosting sites close to the facilities.
CBH implemented OvoControl®P as a trial at one site and based on the success of the trial is now implementing the OvoControl®P system across other sites.
CBH have implemented the full OvoControl®P system including the automated feeders for dispensing OvoControl®P and AI camera imagery through the EVICOM online customer portal.

The City of Mandurah, like many urban areas, has seen an ever-increasing population of pigeons across their central business district and outer suburbs. This is problematic for any Council to manage because pigeon droppings are a health risk and cause significant damage to public facilities, infrastructure, and private property.
City of Mandurah have engaged EVICOM to provide a fully managed OvoControl®P Pigeon Control Service. This service includes 2 fully automated feeders for the dispensing of the OvoControl®P, AI camera imagery and the online EVICOM AI imagery portal for monitoring feeders and reviewing imagery.
Mandurah, like all councils and businesses, have been looking for additional tools that provide a more humane way of managing pigeon populations and they identified that OvoControl®P was the best solution to align with their long-term strategy for managing pigeon populations.
Together with agriculture, Walla Walla also has a history of pigeons, especially in the downtown shopping area. Birds, and what they leave behind, represented a perennial problem for shoppers and merchants.
The Problem
The original population was estimated at approximately 120 pigeons. A variety of abatement measures were installed over the years, but none had any lasting effects. Small
towns generally have well defined and discreet flocks that are easily targeted with an OvoControl baiting program.
The Solution
Introduced and managed by Sun Pest Management in Walla Walla, two OvoControl automatic feeders were installed on the Main Street buildings, in the heart of the shopping district. Subsequently, an additional feeder was
added at the nearby Whitman College campus.
The Results
Within two seasons, the pigeon population was down to a fraction of the starting point. According to Russ Craber, Sun Pest’s CEO, “it was as if someone flipped a switch and
turned the birds off. Using the product enables me to stay ahead of the pigeons, enabling the success of the program overall.”

Located in Laughlin, NV, Don Laughlin’s Riverside Resort Hotel and Casino is situated on the Colorado River. The expansive hotel includes 1,400 rooms in a high rise structure. In addition to a large casino and parking facilities, the hotel offers an RV park adjacent to the hotel.
The Problem
For years, pigeons were attracted by the food, quality nesting sites and shade from the intense summer heat. While not a large population of birds, loafing and nesting areas were extensive and pigeon debris represented a perennial maintenance issue, especially in the RV Park.
The Solution
Previous attempts at exclusion and reducing the population were unproductive. Instead, the hotel installed a single OvoControl feeder on top of an outdoor restroom facility in the RV Park. Triggered daily, in the early morning hours when the pigeons are most hungry, the automatic feeder delivers the precise amount of bait required for the population.
The Results
Within one year, there were no longer any pigeons at the Laughlin hotel and RV Park. This kind of performance is not unusual in the desert climate where summertime weather conditions are severe.